Employment Practices Liability
The old saying “knowledge is power” is so true. If each of us could accurately predict the future and then just before tragedy struck, we were able to buy the policy that would provide financial protection, well I guess that would be just about perfect. But life isn’t perfect, it’s downright rough at times and it’s for those times that we have insurance. Protect yourself with proper coverage. Purchase Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI).

What is Employment Practices Liability Insurance?
EPLI coverage provides protection for business owners against claims from employees (Bullying, Hostile Environment, Race Discrimination, etc).
Who is covered?
Why does a business owner need EPLI?
About 50 percent of EPLI claims are brought against small businesses.
Even groundless employment charges may require legal defense and those costs can be significant.
Small businesses don’t often have human resource professionals to develop formal personnel policies and procedures.
Which employers must have coverage?
This coverage is an add on to your General Liability policy. click here to get a quote.